Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life with dad...

I'm almost positive that all of you know my dad. You are either related to him or you work with him or you are just a friend. But I am sure that none of you know the weird things he does. For those of you who work with him, you may know that most of the time, he can't keep his office desk clean (like me and my room). He seems like that but he really is different at home!

I call my dad "Hygiene Man" because he is obsessed with hair, showering, and brushing teeth. Most of the people in the world are obsessed with being clean but my dad takes it to an extreme. He thinks that if you brush your teeth, you need to brush them again a minute later 'cause they get so dirty in one minute (sarcastic!!). He also doesn't like me and my mom's "lazy days". Lazy days are when me and my mom stay in our pajamas all day and relax. It bothers my dad so much!

But I know have a new nickname for my dad; Dust man! My dad feels the need to dust everything, at the worst times and weirdest places. Here is an example: Monday night me, my mom and my dad were going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We all brushed our teeth (Hygiene Man), got our shoes on and then my dad realizes that the TV and dresser in the master bedroom was dusty. So while me and my mom stood there (and i was starving!) he got the duster and started dusting. Now i understand that it needed to be dusted but why at that moment? Especially when me and my mom both really wanted food! After five minutes, he was finally done dusting and we headed off to dinner.

Another example is in the weirdest spot category. My dad owns an Acura MDX that has too many miles on it to count! He loves his car and it shows! One day while we were sitting at the bus stop, he pulls out a duster and starts to dust the car. Now i also understand that the car can get really dusty but he keeps a duster in the car! Whenever he feels the need to dust it, he pulls the duster out and dusts. While he dusts, i am giving him the "What up with the duster look".

And people think i'm the weird one in the family! Obviously,I get my weirdness from him!

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